Saturday, September 13, 2008

"You and Me Equal in Gender"

Youth Exchange
Macedonia, 20-28 September 2008

Young Society Initiative is going to attend the youth exchange "You and Me Equal in Gender" between the dates 20-28 September 2008.

Young people from Albania, Macedonia, Latvia, Portugal, Serbia, and Turkey will gather to discuss, share, understand, and learn on gender and equality via human rights education. They will search for common effective ways to fight against gender prejudices and discrimination.

The aim of this youth exchange is to get together 36 young people from all across Europe and to meet all together in order to share experience, feelings, to find common ways to fight gender prejudices and stereotypes and look around for solution for the negative behaviour in order to raise the awareness about gender issues and their importance on European level and to promote gender equality.


- To collect and share the realities providing positive example;

- To make the participants reflect on their country gender issues situations;

- To explore gender roles in our countries and give best practice;

- To allow the participants to reflect their understanding of gender issues and their experience;

- To gather educational experiences useful for follow up activities in their organizations;

- To equip the participants with some tools in order to increase their capacity while dealing with gender prejudices in their daily life and intercultural groups;

- To help participants to fight gender prejudices and stereotypes.

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