Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We are all human!

A training course for humanity!

When the Nazis wanted to take all the Jews in Denmark in WWII, Danish King declared that "We are all Jewish!"...
When the Turks were burnt in their houses in Solingen in 1990, the people of Germany marched saying that "We are all Turk!"...
When Hrant Dink was assasinated in Istanbul in 2007, the people of Turkey marched declaring that "We are all Armenian!" for 16 kms...
Now we are declaring that "We are all human!"...
All want to live in a world of equality in dignity and respect of diversity...

"We are all human!" training course aims to create a learning opportunity for youth workers and youth leaders by developing their competences and understanding on working for the respect of diversity and equality in dignity via human rights education. The training course will be held in Izmir, Turkey between 5 and 10 May 2007.

Young Society Initiative for Youth Services and Training developed the training course “We are all Human!” with the support of the European Commission YOUTH Programme Action 5.

"We are all human!" is a dream for a "young society"...

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